Thursday, December 29, 2011

Why People Can't Find Jobs! DUH!

Today I received this lovely "thank you" note from Firefox...

From Mozilla, a non-profit organization and developer of Firefox

Hi there,
As 2011 comes to a close, we at Mozilla want to say thank you to all of our Firefox users, supporters and community members. Quite simply, we do what we do because of you.

They sent it to Yahoo!

Friday, December 23, 2011

~December 2011 ~*~ Happy Holidays~

It seems like it is getting harder and harder to write my Holiday letter each year, that I find myself putting it off as much as possible. There is so much to write, then there is the angle of how much do people really want to know about, especially because this year has been especially tough for my family. No, I am not here to get the pity vote. That is just the reality of it. I guess we can’t always write about rainbows and unicorns. We are all healthy, thank God, knock on wood, and all that other good stuff… things financially are tight which has caused the bulk of my stress but I would imagine they are with you as well. I am grateful to say that we are not about being in survival or anything like that… emotionally, physically, things are taking their toll; boy I am beginning to feel my age!

And then it feels like time literally has sped up…Where did this year go? I know we say that every year but Jeez Louise… I can remember feeling invincible… right? Now I couldn’t stay up all night if I wanted to… unless of course, I am nursing a sick child and I have been up since 4am, like today!

What really bothers me about the chunks of time that have gone missing for some odd reason this year... I haven’t been to see people that really matter to me, like our many Georgia friends or my aunts.... One was such a support for me when Grace was first born and I have not even taken her to meet Grace. It’s important to me that my relationships not suffer. Like flowers, they need to be nurtured. It seems like unless you live with me, then we don’t talk often… and sometimes at all. I truly apologize for that. I do miss my familial ties and I am feeling a bit like a hypocrite since I hold a standard in my own relationships – they won’t be one-sided.

You know it’s not from lack of desire. It really is that I am just plain pooped. Heck these kids alone are a full-time job! But I manage to slip in a little ‘me’ time as well. But that is few and far in-between. I try to connect where I can. Please know that you are not far from my heart. <3 It’s like time creeps up and I still have so much to do. And before I know it, it’s Christmastime.

So why do I write these letters? Well part of it is because it seems over the past few years especially, this is the best way for me to connect with the people I care about. It definitely gives me an excuse to and it kicks me in the butt to put myself out there! If you are reading this, then you matter to me. Now that won’t necessarily get you any prize or anything but what it does do is say that you are my friend… not just FB style, the one who left heartprints. There is some path we are on together on this crazy ride and I for one… am grateful for the opportunity to be here with you. I guess because I feel so incredibly blessed with my own life that I want to share so if there is something I can do for you, please let me. I can even offer a virtual hug, right now!

I try to make my life meaningful, by bringing the things that hold meaning in my own life. A lot of that comes from raising my children. I know that I didn’t give birth to these beautiful kids… I get a lot of people that tell me how I am doing such a good thing for these kids but I defend this statement a lot, and this is the perfect time to explain my actions. Children are such an incredible light source. They are the purest love in action, and when I was afforded the opportunity (and the blessing) to be part of that sharing, then it was ME who is the lucky one! And in return, I get to help mold them into little taxpaying members of society. (Egads… hopefully not Republican (Sorry but I just had to go there!))

So a lot of what we have been doing is just day-to-day life stuff. So here is a recap of the years events, cuz trust me, that would bore you to tears to have to listen to my daily itinerary.

I love my work. Love the marketing and PR stuff! I am building a voice-over business and built my home studio so it was cool to earn my first dollar through writing and producing my first commercial at home! I have worked on just a couple of events, rather than my usual 3-4 major events… so I could spend more time at home being Mom. I am finding it hard NOT to work. Things are settling down, so this coming year will be all about new doors, new openings, and new opportunities that are continuing to build from the foundation I have been working from. Hey but guess what??!! Now that I am old… I finally know what I want to be when I grow up!

I can honestly say that I have been blessed in my career at the opportunities I have accomplished. I have worked with and for my mentors, internationally known artists, musicians, and cinema, TV and soap personalities, authors… And you know what I have learned… well I really already knew it… people are people. No one is more special than the other... and the true stars are those who give so much of themselves… NOT the celebrities. Give freely: there is nothing but good to be received!

My writing has been great! I have been writing under both names, which has been affective in keeping a couple of my many personalities satisfied. I have a successful and growing blog, Opinion8d1, along with two facebook accounts, (one maxed at 5000 friends!) as well as all of the social media outlets (did I mention I was a social media guru!) So for my career, obviously changes from the Business Manager! Actually, having my extensive business background has been very beneficial in the production of a major fundraising event for New Orleans, NOLAFest…

Oh I just finished (and mailed two copies this week) a book I just wrote on Pet Adoption... from the perspective of a pup! (so wish me luck, cross your fingers, and all that jazz. Come on, I would do it for you!! ) The book stems from the adoption of our puppy, Bella, my 8 month old black lab mix. We love her bunches… sometimes; even after she has eaten countless shoes and toys, she is still here  Once we got past that annoying puppy stuff, she has been an absolutely sweet joy… especially at night when she cuddles her massive 30 pounds on me. Ever tried to move the dead weight of a dog who does NOT want to go outside? I think we might have failed her as a guard dog; she may pin and lick a perpetrator to d… er, discomfort. For this reason, I won’t be sending a return address.

Altho still single, ain’t nothing happening there either and I am OK with that! I am way too tired to even think about bringing another person into this equation. Altho Michael asked Santa for a dad last year for Christmas. Literally. YIKES. Michael, Grace, Bella, and Des make this house very full!

Michael is 8 and in 3rd grade. He is a Math and Science Whiz! In fact, he just won an award for passing the Math semester Benchmark test and he score 100! He even went to an award ceremony for being the only one of two students that passed with 100%. He loves to read, loves math and in just a couple of months, has mastered his multiplication tables, up to 12’s. Do you know how long it took me? And I even had to write my times tables out as a punishment as a child. Hmm…? Glad he gets it.

Grace is a beautiful light. She is 2 now. Grace is absolutely adorable, I mean, people see her and just melt. Her smile, her dimples… she could be on TV. LOL. I laugh because she is already a DIVA. She loves to sing and can sing the words to any song … (altho she didn’t even talk until just a few short months ago.) music in general (elevator, car, zoo) will make her start bebopping, dancing, and singing. Then on the flip-side, she is a tough nut; she is very strong-willed. We have been working with her through Occupational Therapy. (Asperger’s runs in the family.) Her progress has been amazing. 6 months ago, Grace was barely speaking, maybe a vocabulary of 20 words. 6 months ago, one kiss was a rare occurrence and now I am grateful for all of the kisses I get! My heart just melts when Grace squeak’s, “I Love You too, Mommy.”

I am not sure what this year holds for me. Tough question for me. I have a plan but we all know the joke, ‘if you want to make God laugh… tell your plans. Well that is what happened this year. I am hoping to pick up an internship, my last internship. I am shooting for Public Relations or Event Planning, or Programming at another station. (Hey, I interviewed at POWER and KDAY last Spring so I am going big!) I am getting my resume brushed off and ready to go for the New Year! (More finger crossing please!)

Well folks, the ride is about to stop. Please exit on your left. I hope you got to walk a minute in my shoes and aren’t attempting to run yet! Kidding. That was my attempt to be humorous…even I got that it wasn’t funny. Besides, humor isn’t where I am at now. I am being serious. We all need heart-prints… for life to be Heart-felt.

I wish you tons of blessings, from joy and laughter, to prosperity and bounds and bounds of good luck. Peace is nice. Friends are even better. Loved ones, well we should all have plenty of those... but if you don’t have someone, please connect with me somehow so we can support each other. I am here wherever, whenever. K? If you need someone to talk to, I am a great listener. And the best part is that I really do care!

Remember, if you are reading my words to you right now, it’s because you are never far from my heart- for you are part of my own life’s tapestry.


Morgana Reeves

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Holy Crap Batman… Christmas is Sunday!

Are you like me, a person who was being dragged through life by the pages of her calendar…? LIFE, as seen through the image of the rear view mirror? I can’t believe it’s already Christmas, I mean it’s here, Sunday!

What the HELL happened to this year?

Are you one of those people who have had everything prepared for Christmas for weeks now? The tree went up right after Thanksgiving and you are now in the second week of the full-scale war of Christmas decorations you have going on with your neighbors… all the way down to gift wrapping and the preparation for the special toast said during Christmas Dinner?

Thank God I mailed out my Christmas cards on Tuesday. 

Sadly, I actually thought I was early this year until I was standing in line and noticed that today was the last date to get your gifts mailed out in order to arrive in time for the holiday. For a second, I had a moment of angst... until I remember, OH YEAH... too broke to mail anything this year. So that made it very simple for me!

I used to send everything out early December. But those cards and my holiday letter are written later each year. In fact, I think I even mailed out my Christmas cards late last year… oh well, so we have the Sum up the Year Letter, rather than the Holiday letter.

Tomatoes, tomatoes… <------ LOL … you get my drift!

All I know is that I woke up this morning and realized that Christmas isn’t next week... like I thought it was... like I was prepared for! When you add Christmas Eve as another partial holiday that we slide in there in order to see both families… it’s even closer than we think.

You know, I noticed something was fishy when I began writing the wrong dates, dating the months incorrectly as it appeared that the past just whizzed right by... July was really August, so when September sashayed into October, almost claiming Halloween... I knew I was in big trouble. It seemed like just another harmless Labor day, (especially with the crazy weather we have in SoCo recording over 90 on Thanksgiving) I knew we were in trouble. I was wearing white, for heaven’s sake.

And it’s not like we don’t get plenty of notice as we peruse through the aisles of the larger retail stores… Heck, I am shopping for summer in February and Winter when it’s 100 friggen degrees out. But it’s me right? I guess I am the one not paying attention.

So then I ask myself, ‘What am I so focused on?’ Life, work, kids, religion, friends, more work, bills, OMG politics UGH! And don’t forget... I have a job to squeeze in there somewhere! Geez people, get off my case already! And yet ‘Dunno.’ is the only plausible answer I can come up with. It’s not like I have any major accomplishments to say, I was soooo busy with this… and before I knew it, it was July! Nope. To quote Mother Nature, ‘There will be no fooling her this time!’ Or… in this case is it Father Time…?

Just do me a favor during this holiday season. Close your eyes and pretend it is snowing outside. (For some of you this should be really easy!) Imagine the fireplace crackling from the fire and the smell of roasted nuts. (Hopefully NOT the boyfriend’s for SOMETHING stupid he managed to pull off!)

Ahem.. sorry. Got distracted. (hmmm, I am kinda noticing a theme here)

When you have that magical hearth scene, picture the tree all decorated… the smell of pine cones, and the hot chocolate on the stove. Hear the voices of the young and the old in your life.

See them, one by one and in your mind’s eye, and tell them that you love them. 

Go on... sure, you can hug them. Everyone likes a nice big hug… it’s this girl’s answer to Chicken Soup for the Soul.

Speaking of this girl… make sure you picture me in your mind’s eye too. Know that I wish nothing but the best for you and your loved ones. May your holiday be blessed, however you choose to enjoy it. 

I know mine will be just a little more happy, loved, and full of laughter and joy... all because you are in it.

Thanks for walking through the trenches on the bad days, and for sipping champagne on those days we had everything to celebrate for and for the rest of the days in between!
Oh and thanks for not laughing at me when you saw me in my pony tail and sweats. 

And not to sound too corny like a Christmas song but... May your Holiday… be Bright!!!

xoxo Morgana Reeves

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

WTF!! New Language Giving Cursing a Pass! FAIL!

You know life can be a bitch. So can interacting via the internet and email. Or by phone, instant messaging. Then there is facebook, blah, blah, blah... and even the secret language of texting. There are so many different ways for us to communicate... by NOT communicating, that I find it all to be rather impersonal and detached.

Without being able to process the tone behind our words, people are often misheard or misunderstood; in fact, how many times have you gotten into an argument over something you said that was twisted around because it went through someone else’s emotional filter?

Text.. or Not to Text... That is the question. So I asked, are all of our means of communication really good ways of connecting with others? Do we want to connect or are we merely looking for ways to get the point across without having to actually face someone? Have we become that far disconnected?

We are this technological generation, with the emphasis on logic, fighting for the latest versions of a smart phone or TV. We are at the point where the mind is the control box… not human emotions. We do the brain's bidding... not the heart, as it should be. But is a text enough to send the emotional value that goes with a message we might send? I don't know, maybe if we write the text in color? Red for mad, pink for happy, and blue for sad… we will be able to send the note over with its expected emotion... perhaps a step up from the emoticon! WTF!!

By the way, WTF!! which means ‘What the Fuck.’ And in case you don’t know it, Fuck is considered to be a bad word... (altho brilliant I say... after all, a word like 'Fuck' can be used as a noun, verb, and adjective... and all at the same time! So in my book, that can't be all that bad of a word) But if I type it as WTF!! I can say What the FUCK anywhere I please. In fact, anyone can say it… WTF!!?

Earlier I was speaking to a friend. I told her about this video called, ‘What If This Were Your Child?’ It’s an incredibly disturbing, heart-wrenching confessionof a young man… no, a boy … who wants to do harm to himself.

Jonah has been bullied for 6 years now, to the point where he has repeatedlycut on himself. The bullying started in the 2nd grade; the same age as my son as I hear the some of the same sadness echoing in my son's own words about the mean kids at school. Watching this young man in so much pain was heartbreaking. I pray that as a parent, of course I don’t ever hope see this happen to my son, let alone any child... feeling like he has no other choices but...? WTF!!

Anyway… curious about the video? Here is a link.  Sorry… I digress. oops I feel just a little morel left in there.

But we as a community need to put an end to bullying on both ends. Children generally just don't wake up one day and say, Hey.. When I grow up, I want to be a big Dickhead. It's up to each one of us to hold each other up in our communities, in our families... even in our dreams. Communities… what’s that you say? 
Sadly, it seems like we no longer need communities and neighbors and even, the human touch. What we NEED is more technology. MORE... WTF!!

Do you know this video was shared by a little less than 6,200 people? The videos that were shared along with this one, “The Difference Between a Bank and a Gun” and “Does Anybody Really Want a Coat this Cheap?” Of course both with courageous messages; but not a child standing in front of your, wiping the tears from his eyes as he tells you how he failed himself. Both netted over 300,000 shares each… with the Bank and the Gun tipping the scales at over 1M shares. WOW. Oops I mean, WTF!!

I get it... you gots to know where your money is.

So are we that numb? Living in that much denial to not be able to see, and share his pain --because he is gay? I mean, maybe had he not openly admitted he was gay… then we could have shared this video with our friends.

But THAT is an abomination… of God. And an abomination is an abomination; therefore, the boy must be an abomination… right? By that justification, does he deserve what he is feeling. WRONG! Altho my son isn’t gay, he isn’t normal… He is autistic. But here I go again, back to topic of bullying and denial and not what this article is about.


Isn’t that saying that dirty word... ?              

ok, ok... I promise to stick with the topic... WTF!!

I mean is it ok that we continue to throw the F Bomb around, like it was BRB?!! WTF?? I mean huh? Both seem to fit. Just as serious…

Parents, isn't this what you have to put a quarter in the coin jar for? And yet, here we are... making one of the worst abominations of words... utterly casual... When we use WTF!! for just about everything, like we are flipping around pancakes. Would you like Syrup with that? 

Yet it’s so common that even our kids use it, yet, the 'F Word' that us so bad it earned its own initial, 'F?'  Wow.

So let me get this straight. I can’t say Fuck cuz then I would be a potty mouth. But, I can merely change it to WTF!! and then I can say it in the open…  I can write it out, text it, heck any format that will allow it, like facebook, Twitter, IM, LinkedIn... any application that allows it. The biggest offenders being... take a guess people… parents. Noooo, your children. My children. OUR children.

So let’s all be happy parents with loving children and work on can expanding language to include something other than inappropriate and not as defamatory words... Like WTH!!

Cuz you know if you don’t actually say it... it doesn’t count. Yea… Right? Have I got some beachfront property I was dying to talk to you about…

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Celebrating Gratitude...

I think we should have boycotted black Friday this year. This is the third year of NO Christmas for a lot of people. The country is in a bad place and black Friday is a myth. Here we will give you 5 things that are good deals at or below cost and then entice you once you are in the door.

In my opinion8d self... we had NO business shopping black Friday this year. I think we should go back to basics this year and scrap all of the commercialism behind the holiday and celebrate the joy or family and friends. Celebrate by sharing time and ourselves, maybe sharing a small gift each. Celebrate the gratitude of the season... not the selfishness and certainly NOT corporate greed.

Here is a clue... if your children rip open a present, look at the gift, and set it aside... then parents, you are NOT doing your job!

This year, as it has been each of the past years, people are struggling and many wont have a Christmas BUT those who wont have the traditional Christmas will have the pleasure of celebrating the true blessing of the holiday... it's time to Celebrate Gratitude!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving... Morgana Style

I have been thinking about how to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday that remarkably, is already here...  Tomorrow it will be Thanksgiving in the States; on the Opinion8d1 page, I have been thinking of somewhere to bring the celebration to the wall so we can all celebrate together. I don't want anyone to feel like they can’t participate.

Let's make the celebration all day and for the 'facebook' community; a community where we are able to celebrate without walls. Let’s share a piece of ourselves here in this forum today... with a twist.

I originally was thinking about doing something to 'Pay it Forward.' Then I thought about having something to do with Warm Fuzzies. And today it hit me. I would like everyone to contribute something writing of some sort that pretty much does both.

By sharing something of meaning to you, not only are you are sharing something about yourself, you are also possibly paying it forward in sharing that meaningful experience with someone else.

It can be a quote, a poem, or just a meaning thought, or prayer that you feel strongly about sharing... something that resonates with you, bringing joy and meaning to you. Please feel free to share the inspiration in came from as well!

I will begin. It’s a poem from Marianne Williamson that is often mistaken to have been written by Nelson Mandela, since it was also used in his Inaugural Speech. The poem is called, “Our Deepest Fear.”

I think this has touched me because there have been many times where I am in a public role. And like every other person in the world, sometimes I struggle with my feelings of inadequacy, often asking myself about my own worthiness, since I consider being in a public role a very important role. See regardless of who I am and the things I say, every day I will be in front of someone who may or may not know me, and every day, I will have choices to make, that will somehow affect them, whether its directly or indirectly. We see this more in situations of parents and children, but bosses and workers, friends, family, even one angry person at a grocery store has the ability to make or break someone’s day.

And when I doubt who I am, or my presence in the world, or perhaps I need to remember who I am, this poem will help in guiding me to the person I strive to be.

Our Deepest Fear

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?
Actually who are we not to be?

You are a child of God.
Your playing small doesn't serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.

And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

- Marianne Williamson

Friday, November 18, 2011

No More Ads... No More Ads... No More Ads...

Well you would be glad to know that after careful consideration, I decided to dump the ads on my page.

‘Why did I have them,’ you asked? well it wasn't really to make money, in fact, I don't think I have ever made a penny off of having an ad on my blog. But it did make my blog seem a little more professional.

So why do I want to be more professional.. Me? Morgana Reeves? Ok that seemed to have answered THAT question. I am professional when I need to but my blog isn't about being professional, it's about being myself. And me all stuffed up in a suit, well, that isn't me. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

See I had the people show up at my house the other day. They had signs and were yelling, "Occupy Opinion8d1... No More Ads!"

It was the craziest thing. There were kids of all ages out there, from grannies to grandbabies, all shapes and sizes, beliefs and non-beliefs alike. They were adamant... ‘We Want Content… DUMP the Ads!’

So ok, I did it. No More Ads...

Love you,
xoxo Morgana Reeves

p.s. Can I ask if you would all join me in a few of my favorite hangouts? I have a Twitter account, but don't really use it, MorganaReeves. Feel free to join with me but don't feel badly if I forget to write back. It’s just nice to say I have Twitter.

If you really want to get my attention you need to come over to facebook. When I am not really pissed off at facebook, which seems like every other week these days, we have so much fun on the walls, playing POKE game, Truth or Dare, or Finish the Joke on our FAV pictures!

I created the group of all groups... the 'Please Don't Add Me to your Stupid Group' group. This is the actual link that I put on walls when they add me to their, well, stupid groups! If you are angry and want to defect from someone else’s stupid group that you were so rudely added onto, then by all means, come join me in protest. (Note: I won't add you, you are going to have to ask… some of you might beg even.)

Then I have a couple of new pages we are adding. The page keeps that keeps you up to date on all of the newest posts is for the Blog, Opinion8d1 is located at:

But as many of you may know, the Urban Dictionary has so graciously bestowed the crown of being facebook's First Official PHore (Poke WHore) so when you are in need of some really fun people to hang out with… you can find us at

As many of you might know, my facebook page ‘Opinion8d1’ is pretty much up to 5000 so they have me blocked on friend and LIKE adds… so please feel free to be my friend at Morgana Reeves. You can tell the difference because this profile has my beautiful picture on it... Just look for the cool shades.

And last, but DEFINITELY not least... I just joined an email service so I will begin sending out a newsletter, which really means that I will email out my blog posts. So please take a second and send your email address to:

Now this time I am really leaving… but as usual, the fun was great and the laughs were plenty. I have said it before and will say it again... I LOVE my stalkers!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy Veteran’s Day… to Everyone!

This is an interesting day for me. I didn’t serve and really don’t know people who did. Truth be told, I am not a big fan of war. I am not shy about saying so either. It’s seems so violent. So senseless. But what I DO believe in, is America’s Veterans, our heroes, those who fought and gave up a huge part of their life, not just fighting, going without food, water, and medical treatment as they fought and were hunted, all so that we could have the freedom that we, as Americans, so value. I deeply care about any person who has given so much of their lives, those who survived and for those who gave their life… for a purpose they believed in. No man, walks out of a war unscathed.

So what is a Veteran? Until I sat down and thought about it, I’ve always have this image of a much older man with graying hair, who fought in World War II, or Korea, and even those known as the forgotten heroes who fought in Vietnam. Even the image if a Veteran has changed over time… the evolution of the war hero, from the fight, to the return home.

Today, as we celebrate Veteran’s day, the image of the Veteran has once again changed. Maybe not in our beliefs as the picture we have locked in our minds eye still reflects the gentlemanly grandfather type, sitting in his chair, surrounding by grandchildren, smoking his pipe as he tells stories of bravery.

Veterans are no longer old and gray; they are men, young and old. They are not only men, but are also women: Christian, and Jewish, with fair skin or dark skin, all different colors and creeds, and even sexual orientation… these are the heroes that make up today’s veterans.

But at the root of all these Veterans come something in common. Although they are all made up of many different forms of beliefs, what you see inside every one of them… is Faith. And it was their Faith that chose to fight a war for you, and for your little place of freedom that you call, HOME. And yet there are still so many prejudices against those men and women because of some ill-conceived image they still hold… prejudices.

Today, even if for just one day, for one small moment... set aside everything you may believe in… and THANK those people, any person, and all people who are full of different religions, colors, lifestyles, and beliefs… anyone who has given something to any of the wars that have given you, even an ounce, of your freedom.

Happy Veteran’s Day… to everyone!

I think a lot of people have lost faith these days. It’s a tough time and we don’t have answers and with frustrations at a monumental high, it causes us people to lash out and get angry. In other words, we lose Faith. Some even think that we have lost Hope. But what is Hope… isn’t it really Faith?

It seems to me that Faith is the expression of believing in something. Anything. It’s easier to have Faith in what we see, or can hold. We have Faith in the people that we love, our communities, our parents and our children. But to have Faith in the unseen is when Faith helps guide us in finding our courage. When Faith is cranked up a notch to become Hope. See with either Faith or Hope, we really don’t have any idea of how the outcome is going to manifest itself. Is Faith going to be enough to bring us down the roads that may be dark or filled with despair?

Veteran’s day about the fighting the wars… but truly we are all fighting in one way or another. With that truth, we can all be held up as Veterans at one time or another. I don’t think one soul has been able to escape the gut-wrenching fight that darkness and despair will take us through.

We honor you James Connor, for your fight. We honor you Sargent Melissa Stevens, and Terrance “Bo” Jenkins, Scott Fish, Stewart Frew and Lewis Rawlins. I could go on and on… but I think you get the idea!

I personally thank each and every person who fought for the United States of America and for the freedom for my and for my children. Happy Veteran’s Day.

xoxo Morgana Reeves

(A special p.s. Janice is a Veteran of another fight. Her fight is cancer. We honor you today Janice… For your courage and certainly for your Hope as you continue to touch the lives of the people around you.)

Like Janice who is struggling today with another round of chemo. Janice and those people around her have to have both Faith and Hope… because Faith alone may only be enough to take her to the present moment, where Hope… now that is when we have Courage to not only accept the darkness and the despair we might face, but it was the Hope that truly brings us through that long tunnel… out to the other side, where the sunlight softly shines down upon her face.

Please take a moment and say a prayer for Janice.. and for all of those Veterans who have fought another war… in sickness. To those who have both won, and lost. We honor your strength, your Faith, and most of all, your Hope.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

No Turnip Truk'n Here!


Everywhere I go, people are trying to rip me off these days. I just need a little bit … for myself. Come on!!  Why am I so frustrated, you ask?  Well, today I got an email from some Barrister… that’s a lawyer in English, well sort of... Interesting court system they have over there.  No wonder they have no criminals imprisoned.  Anywhoo … slippery slope…

This letter was from this Barrister, er, this Lawyer type telling me that Haddie May or Sarah Lee or something like that… was about to kick the bucket. And she had a bucket full of bucks to give to me! Ten Million to be exact!

Here is the letter: (the real letter came complete with a picture of some old lady in a hospital bed cuz you know if I see a picture, I am going to believe this fool wanting to give me millions!) Can you say No Turnip Truk'n Here!


13 Halstead Road, London, E11 2AY
Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Barrister matthew pascall,I am Mrs.Helen Cole's attorney. She has instructed me to assist you with the relevant document to have access to the account.She said she has prayed about it and it was revealed that you are the trusted one to utilize this funds to better the less opportune in your society,you have been destined to do this to bring people closer to the almighty. You are to provide the below information which will enable me process the relevant document which will be enable you take charge of the account as directed by Mrs. Helen Cole.The amount in the account is in Millions of Dollars (10.8M) The requested detail will also enable the high court validate the WILL of Mrs Helen Cole.

1. Full names.
2. Residential address.
3. Phone number.
4. Fax number.
5. Sex.
6. Age.

I have just been informed earlier today by the doctor that Mrs. Helen Cole is in comma.She had earlier told me about you that if situation gets worse I should contact you in order to process all relevant documents in your favor regarding the status of her account to your name.You are being reminded of the task ahead to use a reasonable part of the funds to build a temple of worship and also help the less privileged in your society as you have been appointed by God to complete this task Attached is a photograph of her at the hospital.I want you to include her in your prayers.

I await your response.
Barr. Matthew Pascall

Ok…  First we start with dear sir/madam? Didn’t Haddie Mae KNOW who she was about to give 10.8M to? Ok… keep going cuz it gets better.  

Supposedly, this is a very educated person writing this letter but can’t this educated man spell? There is no difference between a ‘coma’ in England or the USA and whatever happened to punctuation, capitalizing YOUR NAME and just simple spacing in between words?  I see a ruler in your future connected to a nun’s furious SLAP. 

Here is another question… why are their two names on the letterhead? Is it a Barristers’ office or as in the Barristers, as a last name? And call me crazy but isn't that logo for the medical profession? Hmmm, not an actual Barrister? 

Things are done very differently in England as opposed the US. Even the roles and titles are very different; quite frankly, to the English, U.S. attorneys are considered to be pond scum… waaay beneath them.   

But the BIGGEST indicator that this is yes-indeedy, SPAM, is that England has two titles in their legal process: 

A barrister generally performs trial work, especially in the higher courts, and does not deal directly with clients. A solicitor, on the other hand, speaks with clients, prepares documents and may appear as an advocate in a lower court. 

BUZZZZZZZ wrong answer my spam scam. To quote my dear friend Heidi, “in the world of fashion, one day you’re in, and then you are OUT!”  

Well, we know this is a scam … so being who I am… Morgana Reeves, the First Official facebook PHore, I decided to write back and supply him with all of my information.. and at the same time… send my note to the spoof police too; they are the people who handle these kinds of scams. 

The first thing I did was open a new email address. Lord knows, I didn’t want some wacko to get a hold of my information. So I used an old yahoo address so I could open a new yahoo ID, BendingoverwithoutforeplayorKY4U@ 

Here was my response...

Mr. Barrister Sir,  

I am sooo impressed that a man of your position (I like mine doggy style as do you…) would write to me and offer such a large sum of money.  I, like 99% of the United States, Is unemployed and poor and would love to get my hands on a few mill. Unfortunately, I left the Church years ago because of this little scandal I had with a couple of the pastors… So the money and I are going to have to go it alone!  But please  assure the old and dying lady that I will spend the money with love and happiness attached to every penny!  

Well time’s awaitin’ and I ain’t getting any prettier or any richer, so here is my info:  

1. Full names. 
My full name is Sophia Maria Linda Guadalupe Maria Jr. Gonzalez Lopez Hernandez Smith. But you can call me Sophie. All my friends do. Then I have my kids, Greg, Marcia, Jan, Peter, Bobby, and cute little Sindy. She has Cancer you know... Lukeymia. Sad, sad really. She just walks around all day looking for my keys... I dunno. None of the doctors and specialist can figure it out really. So you can see… that money couldn’t have come at a better time, God Bless her little heart.  

2. Residential address. 
Well I am kind of in a residential house at the moment but we have a P.O. Box from the Post Office a coupla days ago so it’s completely legit being from the Post Office and all. It’s Post Office Box 12. Uh.. yea, 12. Las Angelos, CA 90210. (That’s next to the beach in a real ritzy neighborhood and all.)

3. Phone number. 
I just purchased this brand new phone from Walmart just for this special occasion!  Our proud new telephone number is:  213-545-7463 or 213-Lil-SIN’D to help you remember how to get in touch with us!! 

4. Fax number. 
Gosh, we don’t have one of those. But it looks rather hopeful we can purchase a brand-new, state-of-the-art Fax in just a few shorts week… God willin’ of course. 

5. Sex.
Oh YES please! Well it’s been a really long time now.  Little Sindy is going on 14 now and we don’t want no more kids plus I ain’t married no more so I had to stick to blow jobs mostly but I would be willing to give you some sex if that would help expedite getting this money any faster.  Gosh, thanks SO MUCH for the added bonus!!!!! 

6. Age. 
I am 52 but I don’t look a day over 29 when I take my teeth out. (p.s. THAT makes for one great suctioning blow job!!)

Mr. Barrister, thank you kindly for this opportunity to make all our dreams come true, in making Gods work, of course. We might need a few things to get us to the Church and all but it shouldn’t take but a year or so.  

And I understand if I have to pay any fees or interest in sexual favors and the like until we start actually doing the work for the Church. My arse is your arse until we are all paid square.  

Thanks again and can’t wait to meet with you. 

God Bless you and Tiny Tim,

        Sophie, Greg, Marcia, Jan, Peter, Bobby, and cute little Sindy.

Friday, October 14, 2011

An Afternoon in the Life of a Sunny Southern Californian…

It was a normal day in Southern California. The balmy, windy 78 degree weather was absolutely gorgeous. Too bad I was on my way to a doctor’s appointment.

Being a mom of two, I was late as usual. My appointment was at 3:00 o’clock and it was already 2:30… and, of course, I was not even close to getting there and I was driving as fast as I could possibly get away with… within reason... of course.  

I managed to inch my way up as fast as possible so I didn’t find myself stuck in a string of red lights for the next eight miles; this making my 38 minute commute end up closer to an hour. Already late, I did everything I could to make there as close to 3 as possible!  I pushed through lanes, merging in and out, trying to get passed every damn Poke-E-Poo (my son’s made up name for slow drivers) on the road. At rush hour... you know, in traffic!

Woohoo, we made it there only five minutes late. That wasn’t too bad… but I found out that it really didn’t make much of a difference what time I got there since there were about five other people ahead of me.  Oh and check this out...I found out once we got there, that my appointment was really for 3:30! (I just wrote 3 o’clock in my appointment book so I wouldn’t be late… since I was habitually late!)  Now, I was very, very early, which was nice change!

Even tho I managed to trick myself to get there on time, half of the people there also wanted to be seen earlier so everyone who had an appointment between 2:30 and 5 was waiting there … before me. And even many of them were also waaay too early for their appointments, they’ll get to go in first, simply because they signed themselves in before I did. It’s the law! Or some nurse code or rule, or something…

So now the, drive like a maniac and weave thru traffic challenge shifted to the ‘HOW TO KEEP THE TWO YEAR OLD OCCUPIED IN THE WAITING ROOM FOR AN HOUR Challenge. Bravo for me though. I had a secret weapon… I dressed my daughter in her tap shoes… just in case!

They should really make a reality show about the People in the doctor’s waiting rooms!! Especially when the doctor is running behind and there are a lot of OLD people hanging out in the waiting room. First of all, old people don’t like to wait. Maybe they figure they have done enough waiting by now. Now it’s all about cherishing every moment and all. Blah, blah, blah…

Everyone starts to look around, sizing up the situation. Then conversations start, slowly at first. The early topics begin with traffic then move onto the weather, or some other current event. Oh Lawdy don’t get a Pube and a Dem together! If there is an election happening, you can bet you are gonna to hear a thing or two about the candidates and their latest scandals!

But then it happens like clockwork …at the fifteen minute mark they come to some realization that they are still waiting.  NOW they start bitching! That’s when the poker game of woundology starts. Illnesses are flying as they anti up with cases of gout and blood pressure, moving on up the scale to the heart attacks, cancer, and strokes, not forgetting the braggers who have done it all and have all of the answers to everything, because their own son was an intern. Or better, a mal-practice attorney.   

Well there I go backsliding …slippery slope. Sorry, back to the story.

My secret weapon... is my two-year-old.  I got her all dressed up, so she looked adorable with one finishing touch… her tap shoes, clack-clack-clacking on the wood floor.  So the next challenge was to how keep her occupied for the next 45 minutes and not go crazy in the meantime!

We packed diapers and juices, and lots and lots of snacks, just to make sure we have all the weaponry we needed for the wait. To play with, I brought her very loud toy computer that had two volumes, loud and slightly less loud… yet still annoying. I started out on the loud button just to show people how courteous I was when I turned it down…of course, not wanting to bother anyone. We killed another fifteen minutes doing the ABC’s and picking out colors and numbers. FINALLY, after twenty minutes, instead of forty-five, we were quickly ushered in to our room. Gotta love those tap shoes!!

I swear we were done and right back out into the waiting room in 7 minutes… FLAT. Which was good because now I had to rush all the way back home to get my son from his Young Scholars after-school program. They had a very strict 6pm and NO later or else we turn you in for ‘child neglect and abuse’ pick up time.  

Luckily, being the expert driver I am, I was very knowledgeable of all of the roads in the county. I knew every back street to take in order to avoid traffic... cuz even more than I hate driving all over the place, I despise sitting on a street or freeway and not getting anywhere… cuz we all know that with traffic, comes drivers, and with drivers comes stupidity.

People are just plain idiots when they drive a car. I am not talking about those people who are inconsiderate of others when they drive. I can bitch for hours about things like blinkers and tailgating because people are just plain rude, but no… I am talking about people who do the most stupid things, like play, Can I pass the truck and fit into that six-foot space… Or OH SHIT, STOP! While asking yourself, did I remember to get new brake lights?  OMG, do you realize that you are driving around several tons of steel…? When your metal slams into my metal… trust me, I am not gonna be too HAPPY!!!!

I am almost there now, so close I can taste it. I am literally six minutes away from hitting my 6pm late notice, fine, and subsequent walk-of-shame tomorrow because of my tardiness… so I make a right turn through the 7-11 parking lot, passing the Panaderia. Now at Main Street, I am just a couple of blocks away as I hit the alley, about to make my final turn. As I am just about to make it, a car turns right in front of me.

There is a sign on the back of the car that says, “STUDENT DRIVER.” Oh My God are you fucking kidding me?! Great!!

The light changes green. Nothing happens. OK… I feel like I want to bitch slap this lady through my horn because she is still not moving. Instead, I politely tap my horn. She moves, finally … slowly…? Five miles per hour at first… then we start going ten. We are advancing but really, r e a l l y slow. OK, we are now at fifteen. Twenty. Then it stops. WHAT!!! The speed limit is 45 and the flow is 60 and I can see the school’s parking lot from here.

Come on… (insert the curse words HERE that are in my brain and have to stay there because my very impressionable, learning to speak two-year-old is in the back seat and SIT already sounds like SHIT so I have to behave…)

I try to get around her and I can’t. After letting (no joke here) eight cars pass as those behind me began to dart over to the left lane because of course… now I am in THEIR way!)  So I am boxed in waiting for every car that was behind me to now pass. (enter even more bad words HERE!))

Finally, I could finally move over to the left lane… only to see one of the funniest things I have ever seen. As I changed lanes, I was able to take a look over to see who was driving. Exactly who was this student driver that is gonna cost me a dollar a minute, for every minute past 6? Besides I want to be able to give him, or her, something I imagine they are gonna learn very early in their driving career…  They were getting… the bird.

And as I looked over, there was a little (by this I mean hunched, over old, little) Vietnamese man, maybe 70-ish at least, teaching this little (by this I mean teeny, tiny, little) girl, who was MAYBE in her early twenties but more than likely in her teens… rocking out to show tunes while she is learning to drive. Are you fucking kidding me…?

Yes, folks, I live in Southern California, the state of diversity, and home to the many patches of communities of other people migrating from other countries come to live. HERE… in the U.S… they come only to create little mini home-country-like-communities, communities known as Little Saigon or China Town, HERE… in the U.S. 

Generally, you really want to avoid driving in these pockets of communities because for some reason, they just think that no one else is driving on the road…or that maybe the rules don’t apply to them cuz they’re Asian… or maybe they are too little to see over the dashboards. (altho most of them are driving Toyota’s… (I’m just saying…))

In this case, the car that’s barely accelerating, to me was the equivalent of the blind teaching the blind… and probably… literally, he may just have been the blind teacher, teaching the just as blind and possibly scared, student… to drive…  The tought was just as frightening to me as it was hilarious.

You know, I hate being so judgmental about Asian drivers but I went through so many emotions at the hand of this student driver learning to drive, and at the hands of this meek little (we have now determined to be little, right?) man.

In the end I guess, we all got some lessons out of the deal. We all are blind in some way or another. And little do we know that every day we ALL become like the little Vietnamese man in the car, the man who was leading.  The teacher.

So folks, the moral of this story is that I went home and drank. The End.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Can you Hear me Now?

Don’t you hate that when you to make a phone call some kind of service company or maybe you are trying to reach your bank…  and you no longer get a live person?

I am trying to make a deposit or a make payment on my electric bill because I am already eight days late; or I have to call the bank before I can pay that bill, cuz I have to make sure I have the funds are there to cover the payment. So I make the dreaded call and I get…




You would think that technology would make everything easier? Press One for English and Press Three for Checking Balances. But it’s never THAT simple. In fact half the time my computer doesn’t even recognize my Bluetooth so I find myself yelling into the phone…  Mental note number one… use my cell phone.

Damn it... Find me a PERSON, Damn it!!  Fuck You, Fuck YOUTHAT’S what department so do NOT transfer me again… mental note number two… cells phones don’t work either.

After I damn near stroke out and I finally get some guy named Will on the line… you know, the Will that sounds more like someone named Somalirashad instead… Will goes on to ask me eighty more questions to confirm my identity. My name, my age, my address and phone number, the last four of my social security number, people in the household, including the dog, my annual income, and last but not least, my password … for extra security.  


Oh my God are you kidding me?  I just want to make a deposit… you know put money INTO the bank’ I am not even making a withdrawal. Who cares if someone sneaks in as me to deposit money into my account? I say let ‘em!  I guarantee it’s spent before some identity thief could make the withdrawal on it! What’s even more sad is why in Heaven’s name would they ever pick me? ME! Have they seen my credit report?  And I have no identity; no life, no extravagant clothes or jewelry or vacations… just home at night, sitting around watching the boob tube.

How the hell did that get its name, Boob Tube?  Does watching TV turn you into a boob?

Digressing again… sorry… and now moving on.
So anywhooo, I am on the phone the other day with the cable company cuz you never have any problems with tech support huh?  I just got a new modem for my phone, which is Voice over IP. It took about all of 90 seconds to switch from the old router to the new one; I just basically removed the cords one-by-one so I don’t stick the wrong cord in the wrong hole. I am constantly having that issue in my personal life!  


After ten minutes of trying to explain my situation, “I just got a new Router box from my phone company. I had to power down to install everything so that windows could pick up the new code when I turned my computer on. The internet was down and I have no phone.”  I had to say it again, saying I think when the software of the new drivers were installed, it knocked my modem offline. After five minutes, I found myself repeating the details over and over again. I finally said to Will, can you please write this down? As he is telling me not to unplug the third box and and to plug in the fourth one… Will, there are not four boxes, there are only two. The modem and the router but for grins and giggles, let’s  just call them the Phone box and the Cable box and eliminate the names altogether. After fourteen minutes and twenty-six seconds, he finally informed me that my modem was offline and that he was going to check to see if there was an outage. UGGHH. Ok I know there are plenty of people who could use a job so are we really gonna go here? Nope, no power outage. He said he had to set a charge out to the modem so I shut everything down only to reboot after he sent the charge. As I rebooted everything, the computer and the phone, were all working just fine. Will asks,” are they running correctly?” Yes, Will, they are. Thanks. So he goes on to inform me that the tests show that the modem was reading the old router and needed to have the modem send a new charge out to the modem so everything can work correctly. Really, Will? That’s what I said, remember?  From the beginning?  

And Will ever-so-politely asks… is there anything else I can do for you today?  ARRGGGHHH!!!

Have you ever noticed they put the most polite people in those positions, so when you are screaming and cussing them out, it doesn’t even phase them? That is just wrong!  It’s playing dirty. Imagine what New Yorkers are going through? Please Hold…Cardiac Arrest on line Three, Will.
But in the end, Will is gonna get his karma paid back because his company is going to call me back for a customer service survey. IN FACT, they will call me and call me and call me, again and again until I get on the phone and give them that interview, for me to finally say that my experience was good until they called me for the EIGHTH time of trying to avoid them… at this point, I simply DO NOT CARE! That was sooo four days ago and you are sooo pissing me off NOW.


Why are we stuck living in this world of technology that is supposed to make our lives easier? But ultimately make simple things like phone calls to our service providers cause so much frustration and stress? Some call us spoiled that we have so much technology available to us but isn’t it technology that also makes us have to add so many  security measures because it’s technology making us vulnerable to hackers and thieves!  I think that someone in a higher place is looking down on us saying tsk, tsk, thinking we are stupid...  It’s like poking us to see if we are still awake.

Can you hear me now?