Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Holy Crap Batman… Christmas is Sunday!

Are you like me, a person who was being dragged through life by the pages of her calendar…? LIFE, as seen through the image of the rear view mirror? I can’t believe it’s already Christmas, I mean it’s here, Sunday!

What the HELL happened to this year?

Are you one of those people who have had everything prepared for Christmas for weeks now? The tree went up right after Thanksgiving and you are now in the second week of the full-scale war of Christmas decorations you have going on with your neighbors… all the way down to gift wrapping and the preparation for the special toast said during Christmas Dinner?

Thank God I mailed out my Christmas cards on Tuesday. 

Sadly, I actually thought I was early this year until I was standing in line and noticed that today was the last date to get your gifts mailed out in order to arrive in time for the holiday. For a second, I had a moment of angst... until I remember, OH YEAH... too broke to mail anything this year. So that made it very simple for me!

I used to send everything out early December. But those cards and my holiday letter are written later each year. In fact, I think I even mailed out my Christmas cards late last year… oh well, so we have the Sum up the Year Letter, rather than the Holiday letter.

Tomatoes, tomatoes… <------ LOL … you get my drift!

All I know is that I woke up this morning and realized that Christmas isn’t next week... like I thought it was... like I was prepared for! When you add Christmas Eve as another partial holiday that we slide in there in order to see both families… it’s even closer than we think.

You know, I noticed something was fishy when I began writing the wrong dates, dating the months incorrectly as it appeared that the past just whizzed right by... July was really August, so when September sashayed into October, almost claiming Halloween... I knew I was in big trouble. It seemed like just another harmless Labor day, (especially with the crazy weather we have in SoCo recording over 90 on Thanksgiving) I knew we were in trouble. I was wearing white, for heaven’s sake.

And it’s not like we don’t get plenty of notice as we peruse through the aisles of the larger retail stores… Heck, I am shopping for summer in February and Winter when it’s 100 friggen degrees out. But it’s me right? I guess I am the one not paying attention.

So then I ask myself, ‘What am I so focused on?’ Life, work, kids, religion, friends, more work, bills, OMG politics UGH! And don’t forget... I have a job to squeeze in there somewhere! Geez people, get off my case already! And yet ‘Dunno.’ is the only plausible answer I can come up with. It’s not like I have any major accomplishments to say, I was soooo busy with this… and before I knew it, it was July! Nope. To quote Mother Nature, ‘There will be no fooling her this time!’ Or… in this case is it Father Time…?

Just do me a favor during this holiday season. Close your eyes and pretend it is snowing outside. (For some of you this should be really easy!) Imagine the fireplace crackling from the fire and the smell of roasted nuts. (Hopefully NOT the boyfriend’s for SOMETHING stupid he managed to pull off!)

Ahem.. sorry. Got distracted. (hmmm, I am kinda noticing a theme here)

When you have that magical hearth scene, picture the tree all decorated… the smell of pine cones, and the hot chocolate on the stove. Hear the voices of the young and the old in your life.

See them, one by one and in your mind’s eye, and tell them that you love them. 

Go on... sure, you can hug them. Everyone likes a nice big hug… it’s this girl’s answer to Chicken Soup for the Soul.

Speaking of this girl… make sure you picture me in your mind’s eye too. Know that I wish nothing but the best for you and your loved ones. May your holiday be blessed, however you choose to enjoy it. 

I know mine will be just a little more happy, loved, and full of laughter and joy... all because you are in it.

Thanks for walking through the trenches on the bad days, and for sipping champagne on those days we had everything to celebrate for and for the rest of the days in between!
Oh and thanks for not laughing at me when you saw me in my pony tail and sweats. 

And not to sound too corny like a Christmas song but... May your Holiday… be Bright!!!

xoxo Morgana Reeves