Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Nerve of that Woman

People are unbelievable. I have a friend who sent me a link of her daughter's website. She is a lovely 25 year old girl who had a desire to start a business making cupcakes. Not just any cupcakes, these are fantastically clever and quite frankly, works of art!

So I, being the friend that I am, passed along the link of her blog to some of my friends. In the blog, the baby entrepreneur talks about her labor of love in following this dream. I give her props for putting herself out there. Most wouldn’t. In fact, I think I indirectly met one of those people.

About an hour later, I get an email response from a friend. It seems that someone she had sent the link to had a few things to say. All negative.

She started the response with… “I don’t mean to be rude,” and then went on to blast the website because of a picture of the girl’s freezer in the background on the blog. When you zoom into the picture, it creates the photo so large that you can’t help but see the side of the freezer, in fact, you have to scroll over to get to the part of the picture that actually shows the cupcakes.

The woman, I will anonymously refer to as “lady,” instructed her friends to go to a picture to see how "filthy" she found the freezer to be. She went on to say she would never buy products from this business, and she should tell the business owner to replace the freezer.

Ummm, seriously? Even with her instructions, it took me a few minutes to even find what she was referring to and when I finally found it, I was thinking, ‘her freezer was way cleaner than mine.’ Wow... does this woman have issues, or what?

My issue wasn’t so much about pointing out the freezer. I think she did baby entrepreneur a favor because it was an easy fix. It was her insensitive and over the top response…

Per her words…”Well I don't mean to be rude, but.” Oh come on, don’t we know by now that but negates every word that comes before the “but!...” I will be. And because I have now used this disclaimer, it is perfectly alright for me to be rude. Ahem. Yea. Get a life lady. You... IMHO... obviously need a life, some fun, maybe you need to get a little sumpin, sumpin… you felt that your response was ok; instead of contacting baby entrepreneur directly, it was better to blast her publicly, or not so publicly, because you didn't have the balls… to leave your life, to have one, to get a little sumpin, sumpin.

Lady, you are a piece of work. How much time at work did you spend on this personal vengeance… from the time spent going over the website, and obviously long enough to critique something that took me 5 minutes to find with your direction, (no, I didn’t ride the yellow bus) while you sent an email to your friends. (with your name and the title of your company... yes, my evil side said maybe I should send this to her boss) Wow, nothing like calling someone out on their work, eh?

But then again, I guess you get paid to read personal emails about cupcakes and write slanderous emails.

And last but not least, why don’t you send me a picture of your freezer so we can email it to all of our friends. Pu-lease.

Copyright © Shelli Buhr 2010