Thursday, February 12, 2015

Bitch PULease BLOCK MY ASS...

Ok so check this out... I just got this post of some chick doing selfies of herself naked. So I posted like EWWWW have some class PULease block me cuz she called me a hater.

LOL then I went to my other page which wasnt blocked only to find these very disturbing things.

She is a license foster parent and has that on her facebook page.

The content of her is ALL is lingerie and other scantily dressed GARBAGE so she has a hot body but the face... RUFF...

She uses facebook and has to take selfies cuz aint no one else steppin up to do anything but look at her naked ass (and probably think wow as they look her all up her vagina and then Wow again as they see her dog-like features)

She must think she is all that and a dried up bags o chips

and aint NO ONE looking over the bra so you hafta make that shit Naykee

God dont let my maturing son sees this cuz he may be scarred for life...
Bitch PULease BLOCK MY ASS...

But let me show all of my fans what she said I was a hater of and (since I was a so called actor (did I like EVER say that to ANY OF YOU???)) which I am not sure where she got that from cuz I do not proclaim to or need to say I am anything to be BUT) the lovely soul I am... lol

ok... I am digressing... what do YOU all think of this woman... 

Scary shit people and... and think I have my next post on the page