Friday, July 22, 2011

Are You Friggen Kidding Me? Sit Your Ass Back Down!

Unbelievable! Rep Majority Leader Boehner, WALKS AWAY from debt negotiations saying he won’t raise taxes on the wealthy corporations. 

Our nation's bills get paid from the taxation on the rich, certainly not the middle (which no longer exists) and lower class. Every state gets its own allocation based on population (among other things) then our federal government supports the individual states, federal transportation, education, military defense, national security, benefits for federal retirees, veterans, retired and disabled benefits, (and all of the jobs that entails!) scientific and medical research, it even pays for the interest on the national debt. (yea, just like we do!) 

To my American brothers and sisters... Big business gets every loophole to have taxes lowered. It doesn't cut jobs because income tax paid on a corporation isn't paid straight from the income; THAT is a LIE geared on putting the fear of God in you! Taxes get paid after all of the expenses (including salaries, insurance, perks, payroll taxes, workers comp, new cars, computers, papers, postage, etc.) is paid FIRST and THEN corporations are taxed on whatever is LEFT! The American people get paid, and immediately taxed; we then pay our bills with whatever is left. WE are the one’s paying taxes and supporting the government. NOT big businesses. Read Rich Dad, Poor Dad! He says it right there, don’t want to pay taxes?? Open a corporation. 

Stop getting fooled by what the Republicans are saying because they are having THEIR pockets lined with golden inseams from Political Action committees and in perks and consulting salaries. They are using morals as a means to manipulate people into thinking that the Republican Party is doing the ‘right’ thing. We, as American's, need to stand up and REVOLT against what the Republicans are doing for SELFISH reasons. They are not working for America. They are working for the Political Action Committees, banks and insurance companies; we have already seen the fed’s commitment to Wall Street. 

Ironically, it’s values separating the Republicans and the Democrats. Republicans hiding behind the church, and our faith, standing on a platform deep in values as they protect the rich from paying taxes, throwing our precious eco-system completely out of balance. But if we can’t separate our morals from the national budget, even if for a few months, the cost to the United States will be too great, Get creative! Find another platform to deal with those issues, even if just for a little while… beside there is NO MONEY to pay for abortions or stem cell research anymore… and I hope you enjoyed the last space shuttle launch for a very, very long time. 

It’s time to get creative on what you believe because right now, there is only ONE focus; ok one focus, in two parts...

First) TAX the wealthy corporations that are making millions. If every corporation paid even 5 percent (we pay 30 percent) of their taxes, we could salvage the very programs we have to cut back, like our children’s educations.

Second) Get creative! The days of expecting everything to happen are over! Stand up for what you believe, get off the couch,  get in your minivan and make a difference! It's because you don't do anything that they can!

If we can’t resolve these issues, we, as a nation, will be drowning for the next year with with the constant power struggles and incredibly childish behavior between the Dems and the Pub’s. At this point, our children could probably do a better job. But bottom line, our children DESERVE better than this!  What’s worse is that we may end up dealing with this for another 4 years after that, switching back over to the Republican rule until the economy is broken beyond repair. I mean seriously folks…  Do you think America can hold itself up on the current path another 5 years, until we finally get bitch-slapped in the face hard enough to hear this lesson?  

This didn’t happen overnight. We have been in a (shhh, don’t say the word) recession for the past 6 years now. It’s time to face reality. Think of it like parenting folks…how successful would you be? We have two sets of parents with extremely different values coming in, taking over, and making changes. Then people say ‘booo,’ so we kick dad out letting mom try, and that doesn't work so we bring dad back it to make more changes. 

What would you expect? The children are confused, the nation is confused, we have lost friends, allies, and at this point, our dignity. Captain America just came out in the theatre and people abroad refused to get their autographs to say Captain America… they refer to it as the ‘first avenger,’ only to avoid the ugliness of our name. That saddens me. But it seems to make no difference to the greed and power running the show. It’s beyond politics. They are only the puppets. It’s those who possess the money pulling the strings. And along the way paying quite well in order to keep things as status quo! 

Democrats or Republicans CALL AND EMAIL YOUR REPRESENTATIVES NOW and tell them to get on board. Do the job that “I/WE” elected you for!  It’s more than just voting for the budget. Make them collect the money from the people who actually have it and you will find balance in the budget. THEN you can get down to the business at hand and actually Vote for a budget.

Oh and the buttons are for sale. I need to make a buck somehow.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Dress to Impress? Be Careful What You Wish For...

Dress to Impress? Be Careful What You Wish For...  OK I just befriended someone in facebook. The woman is a beautiful woman, leaning back onto a chair, dressed in a black bra and underwear. Sexy, right?


What the hell? Do you like walk around in the grocery store in that getup? Or is that Beach attire? Although I have asked this question before, I don't seem to find myself any closer to the truth. Social networking is like a permanent marker (l)inking your past, present, and future. It connects you to employers, actual friends, many, many acquaintances, and pervs everywhere. Consider it the equivalent of a tattoo. and herpes.

But here is my question... Why would someone possibly want to go onto a social networking site in their undergarments? Is that sexy? I guess it is to her; and I supposed it is to a lot of men who may look at her with burning desire. In fact, they are lunging at their monitors saying, please take it off, just give me a little more as they... I shudder to think at him shuddering, ewww.

This may even be giving men a chance to be connected (outside of rag mags) to a woman in all of her beauty… for free. So is it? Giving someone the opportunity to see women as beautiful?

Cuz I have to say, I get people ALL THE TIME tell me they want more from me and they cant see anything from my pic. You get a hand covering a smirk. So with my picture, it's NOT what you SEE that attracts people, but what THEY see and feel that connects them to me on a more subconscious level. It's the INNOCENCE in my picture that attracts the beauty in others... not letting it all hang out on facebook. And it's that beauty we want for ourselves.

Universal law states that your intent is the energy that fuels your manifestation; it's the gas you put into your car to make it go, GO. So, in the long run, we will attract people if we are putting that energy out there. But... this is a big BUT (not big butt as in booty butt) but be careful (care-full or full of care) about what you wish for... because you may get it! Because when you are Full of Care, you are putting a lot of energy into making that reality, happen.

Even though some of those thoughts are unconscious, they are powerful in controlling what we attract. We may end up having two agendas happening both at once. Kinda like smoking.

       Agenda 1) On one hand, we desire to smoke, whether it makes us look cool or we take pleasure in    having a brief moment during our very hectic days, either way, we are getting something out of smoking.

       Agenda 2) There is a very NASTY warning label that says 'assbite, you smoke, you die!' We look at the warning labels and see the apparent danger and yet, there we go, lighting up! It's because of those two agendas. Only now, they are at war with each other.

Now you have one agenda saying, hey look ... smoke and cool, and the other agenda saying, but you really should quit because smoking is not good for you. And after a while, the agenda with the stronger emotional and mental hold, will win... much like in the saying of the one with the most toys... wins. Only substitute toys for tokes!

Wow, how did I get from start... to finish? And better yet, how do I get back?

It's a slippery slope down here in the deep recesses of my mind. And I at least took the forethought to send down a rope first. Why do we put ourselves out on facebook the way that we do? I have asked this question before and still I see scantily-clad dressed women holding the sexiest of sexy poses, blowing kisses to God only knows who. And for what? Marriage? The Ultimate Hook Up? Perhaps a little moral support, a new friendship, or maybe the agenda of the day is that we just don't feel good about ourselves and need to have 6 Billion people tell us that we are beautiful.

So let me stop you there are say, you ARE beautiful. From the day you were born, God smiled and danced at your beauty. Now don't YOU forget it!

xoxo Morgana